Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Greetings from Atlanta

Hi All,

Greetings from Atlanta.

Finally did join a TM club in Atlanta - Dogwood Toastmasters.

A shot of some of us - at a farewell for a TM member at a Korean Bakery called Mozart Bakery (not sure why - did not hear any classical music but the place had pretty classy furniture for a bakery!)

Incidently the TM member leaving for DC is also a Malaysian and a past president of the club!

Guess Malaysians are everywhere.



(standing 2nd from left....)

Dear Malini

Happy Deepavali from all of us here...

Wish you lots of fun and laughter...


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Meeting Review (22nd October, 2007)


Word of the Day : REJOICE

Ivan Fong
Jessy Mak
Lee Chor Wah
Maureen Ong Swee Kin
Michelle Ong Swee Jin
Muhendaran Suppiah
Sham Sunder Lakhiani
Shanmugam Ganesan
Wan Siew Onn

Bill Sim
* Lakhmichand, M.A.
* Rema Paul

* They are members of both Clubs!

Div W & Guests
Azmi Shahrin (DVG)
Azizah (MELAKA)
Delbir Singh (DEL)
Dr Devi Menon (SAI)
Kwong Chee Seong AGP4)
Lim Yeong Chuan (EXTOL)
Raja Ahmad Muzamir (KPMG)
Satchit A K (KPMG)
Shane (SUNWAY)

SAA - Muhendaran
TME - Lakhmichand, M.A.
Invocation - Satchit A K
General Evaluator - Azmi Shahrin
Ah Counter - Raja Ahmad Muzamir
Grammarian - Kwong Chee Seong
Timer - Shane

22nd October, 2007 – it was a special day – Toastmasters International Day!

BANGSAR & KL ADVANCED TM Clubs celebrated the occasion with the support of Div W Council!

The evening was CHARGED with anticipation of fun. Muhendaran, ATMG, led the meeting with reading of the Toastmasters Promise. VPE, Shanmugam, CTM, on behalf of BANGSAR TM Club President, Ranjit Singh, ATMB, welcomed the attendees & surrendered the lectern to the TME, Lucky.

Immediately after the introduction of guests / Toastmasters, Satchit A.K. of KPMG, CC, made a TOAST to Toastmasters International, a befitting gesture. The presentation was part of Invocation as well as his FIRST advanced speech.

The table topics session was replaced with testing of skills! Bill Sim, ATMG, of KL Advanced, demonstrated his skills at instructing via the telephone (assumed). Following his instructions was Jessy of BANGSAR TM Club. She successfully tied the knot of her neck-tie! It was her FIRST experience!

Part of the FUN was also to test HOW FAST can one tie the Windsor Knot. Delbir Singh, Lee Chor Wah & Wan Siew Onn were the Top Three.

Maureen from BANGSAR delighted everyone with "From Lawyer To Therapist", her CL project #6. Veteran, Rema Paul, ATMS, delivered "Loving & Being Loved", a poem, as her project #2 from the Interpretive Reading Manual.

Before the general evaluation session, DVG(W) Azmi Shahrin, DTM, helped to complete the celebrations by cutting the cake.

The evaluators, Ivan Fong, Renganathan & Chandran gave their evaluations with their usual ‘honesty’. So did the grammarian, ah counter and the timer. In spite of the fun-atmosphere, everyone was very alert and executed the roles with enthusiasm and flair.

GE, Azmi Shahrin was full of praise for the function. He took advantage of his presence, and awarded a Soaring Eagle Gold Pin to VPM (BANGSAR), Sham Sunder for BANGSAR having increased the membership by 5 members.

All speech evaluators & participants in the tests of skills were presented with Ties, while the GE & the speakers were presented with other tokens of appreciation.

Ties / tokens were contribution of BANGSAR Charter Member, Baiju.

It was a fun-filled evening and certainly worth attending.

VPE, Lakhmichand, ATMB , on behalf KL ADVANCED TM Club President, Rohijas Md Sharif, ATMS, thanked the DVG, role-players and attendees for making it a lovely evening.

by Lucky

Monday, October 29, 2007

Div W Contests Results...

Humorous Speech Contest
Name Area
Kim Chow W6
1st Runner-up
Raja Ahmad Muzamir W1
2nd Runner-up
David Jackson W4

Evaluation Contest
Name Area
Chew Khong Meng W6
1st Runner-up
John Lee W2
2nd Runner-up
David Ann W4

Contest Chair: Bill Sim, ACG

Thursday, October 25, 2007

BD Greetings...

To Our Dear Counselor!
Happy Birthday Greetings!

Wishing You A Very Successful
Toastmasters Journey
On This Very Special Day!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


To mark / celebrate 83 years of Toastmasters, on TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL DAY on Monday, 22nd October 2007, BANGSAR / KLADVANCED / DIV W will have a joint meeting at BANGSAR TM Club.

The evening’s program includes:

A TOAST by Satchit, CC (KPMG),
“Down Memory Lane” (83 years of Toastmasters) by Rohijas, ATMS, (KLADV),
“From Lawyer to Therapist” by Maureen (BANGSAR)
"Humorously Speaking" by Rema Paul, ATMB (BANGSAR/KLADV).

Test your skills at Giving/Receiving Instructions!

How fast are you at...? Attend and find out!

6.45 – 7.30 pm: Socialize/Refreshments
7.30 – 9.50 pm: Speeches/Fun/Evaluations.

Door Fees RM10

For more details, please contact Lucky

See you all there

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

BE there...


Monday, October 15, 2007

Meeting Review (02nd October, 2007)

Word of the Day : STIPULATE

Ivan Fong
Jessy Mak
Lee Chor Wah
Mary Barton
Maureen Ong Swee Kin
Michelle Ong Swee Jin
Muhendaran Suppiah
Ranjit Singh
Sham Sunder Lakhiani
Shanmugam Ganesan
Wan Siew Onn

SAA - Muhendaran
Invocation - Shanmugam Ganesan
Toastmaster of the Evening - Lakhmichand, M.A.
Table Topics Master - Sham Sunder Lakhiani
Table Topics Evaluator - Mary Barton
General Evaluator - Mary Barton
Ah Counter - Michelle Ong Swee Jin
Grammarian - Maureen Ong Swee Kin
Timer - Lee Chor Wah

Another successful meeting, well-attended, precise, scheduled, quite-on-time, with samples of basic & advanced speeches, showing mastery of language by both - speakers and evaluators...

The gavel struck precisely at 7.34 pm (if I remember correctly), with Muhendaran leading the attendees to recite the Toastmasters' Promise - a tradition of BANGSAR Toastmasters! This is always a starting of the excitement. The tempo/rhythm was kept at the same level with Invocation by Shanmugam Ganesan, a challenge that keeps the TME on his toes!

With the presence of Mary Barton, playing double role (TTE/GE), who can say that the evening was anything but dull!

When Sham Sunder speaks, you better be attentive, else you miss what he says! As the TTM his theme was "Your Health - What are you doing about it!"

The speakers included a guest -

TT Speakers
Fong Ah Chong
Wan Siew Onn
Jennifer Ho (Guest)

When Mary Barton is on the 'stage' you are all ears! As the TTE she was very thorough! Nothing escapes her sharp skills! It was a delight to hear her evaluate the speakers...
Best TT Speaker went to the guest...


Jessy Mak
CL # 1 - "Me, Myself & I"
Muhendaran Suppiah ATMG HP - Results


Chandran CTM
Ivan Fong CTM

Jessy’s ice-breaker was a good insight in this diminutive lady who spoke of her ideas, likes, dislikes and a passion for Indian Classical dancing – she even demonstrated her skills at gyrating her head, you had to see it to understand what I mean! She deserved the ice-breaker ribbon!

The second speech was the results presentation of his High Performance Leadership Project, leading to the DTM award, by Muhendaran. His project was the Installation Night of which he was the Organising Chair.

Both seasoned evaluators, Chandran & Ivan Fong, were quite generous in their appreciation, with valid suggestions to make their (speakers) future speeches more entertaining and of even higher delivery qualities.

The GE session was the desert, by the ‘master Chef’, Mary Barton, the GE of the evening. With her skilful art of evaluating, she led the session in a very professional, fun-filled, entertaining event, enjoyed by both the members and the guests.

I always enjoy my TM evenings, and this was definitely an evening where I gathered many important tips. It was also an evening to re-acquaint friendships.

Those who could not attend this evening’s session, all I can say is you really did miss an evening of fun, and some very valuable tips, not to mention the opportunity to meet your friends...

Looking forward to many more exciting evenings at BANGSAR TM Sessions...

by Lucky

Friday, October 12, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya

Wishing All Muslim Toastmasters Everywhere...

Eid Mubarak!

Selamat Hari Raya!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Toastmasters International Day...

22nd October, 2007

Joint Meeting
KL Advanced TM Club

at our Club Venue

Don't forget to RSVP

Please SMS Lucky


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Thought of the Day...

Someone once said:

"If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting."

If you are not happy with where you are in life, *make a change*.

There is no guarantee that your life will improve, but it is better than doing nothing... Happy Face