Monday, July 30, 2007

Happy Birthday July Babies...


Letchuman - 10th

Bavani - 11th

Shanmugam - 31st

Sunday, July 29, 2007



Our 4-TOP Club Officers were trained!

Divisions P & W had a joint club offices training at Wisma HELP on 28th.

Ranjit, Shan, Sham Sunder & Lucky attended, and we scored 1/2 a goal!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Meeting Review (17th July, 2007)


Ivan Fong
Lee Chor Wah

Guests - Toastmasters
Satchit (KPMG)
Syamala (KPMG)
Yow Shon (CPA)
Ron low (ADVG-M)

Guests – Non-Toastmasters

Our SAA is Muhendaran, so obviously meeting started on the dot!

I (Ranjit) took over as the President before changing ‘turbans’ and playing the role of the Toastmaster of the Evening.

Loke is turning out to be a shining star. He gave a superb inspirational short speech.

Muhendaran was at his best as a TTM
Satchit - No genius without a touch of madness
Edmund- Conquer your mind, conquer the world
Irsal- Good speakers are good listeners
Syamala- What’s wrong with Malaysian football
Ranjit - (forgot the topic!)

True to our BANGSAR standards, Chandran evaluated each speaker immediately with very immaculate and detailed observations and comments.

Edmund took on the role of the Humor Master for the first time, and he did very well.
BANGSAR Club has got a lot going for itself now, haven’t we? Good job Edmund.

We had 3 project speeches:
Maureen gave her 3rd speech from the C&L Manual – “Controlling Clutter”.
Lucky evaluated Maureen.

Ivan Fong delivered a speech from the Entertaining Speaker Manual – Speaking after Dinner. He spoke on Toastmasters Simply Amazing.
Shan evaluated him.

Finally, Muhendaran did a presentation from the High Performance Leadership Manual. Presentation was on his role as the Organising Chair for the forthcoming Installation dinner.
Chandran evaluated.

TT Speaker - Ranjit Singh
Assignment Speaker - Ivan Fong
Evaluator - Chandran

Meeting ended on a good note with Ron Low providing some lovely lucky draws with subsidized stays at certain holiday resorts.

Another good meeting!

by Ranjit Singh

Thursday, July 19, 2007


BANGSAR Toastmasters Club
Select Distinguished Club

Area W1 Clubs

BANGSAR (8773) - (7 goals)
Select Distinguished Club

KL ADV (1982) - (9 goals)
President's Distinguished Club

MIA (3705) - (6 goals)
Distinguished Club

MM (8141) - (10 goals)
President's Distinguished Club

Area W1
President's Distinguished Area

Div W
President's Distinguished Division

District 51
President's Distinguished District

Well done everyone!

... and NOW
let's get down to doing it all over again!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Say It Right, Get What You Want!

C&L Manual Speech #2 - Organise Your Speech
Title: "Power Phrases - Say It Right, Get What You Want!"
Evaluator: Sham Sunder, CTM

Emily found a job that she really wanted in a doctor’s office. It didn’t last very long. The doctor was very unkind in his words. He would say, “What kind of an idiot are you? My dog can do a better job than you can.”

Emily quit her job after two weeks. Mary who took over from Emily loved her job and she loved her boss! She taught him early on how to treat her.

When the doctor said, “What kind of an idiot are you”, she said, “When you say ‘what kinda idiot are you? – I get confused and actually make more mistakes. I need for you to support me when I make mistakes.”

When the doctor said, “My dog can do a better than you can.” she said, “I find that remark very insulting. I am a professional and I do expect to be treated as one.”

Mary taught the doctor how to treat her from the very first day and he listened.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the same vein, I am sure that many of us can relate incidences where you wished you had said the right thing. For example, speaking up when your boss volunteers your department for yet another project, etc.

Meryl Runion, in her book, Power Phrases, advocates that one should not just speak but Speak Strong! Use Power Phrases – winning words that get you what you want!

The six key tenets to using power phrases as prescribed by Meryl Runion are:

1. Power phrases are short

2. Power phrases are specific

3. Power phrases are targeted

4. Power phrases say what you mean

5. Power phrases mean what you say

6. Power phrases are not mean when you say them

1. Power phrases are short

The Lord’s Prayer is only 56 words long; the Ten Commandments are only 297 words long and Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg address was 226 words long. Do you think these speeches / messages would have been any more powerful if these were longer?

Key point – be brief.

2. Power phrases are specific

Power phrases are short – but specific – i.e. convey the key points.

“How do you want your steak?” the waitress asked? “Well done”. The steak was cooked beyond recognition and was not edible

The answers were indeed short – but not specific. The diner had an inedible steak because he did not say:- “ I want it cooked just until the pink disappears””

Be specific – the power is in the details.

3. Power phrases are targeted

Stephen Covey calls it ‘beginning with the end in mind”. Think of what outcome you want; ask yourself what path of action will get you there. The questions that you can ask yourself before making the comment / giving the message are:

® Will this remark increase their respect of me or lessen it?

® Will these words move us towards resolution or away from it?

® If I say this, will it increase the changes of me getting what I want or decrease it?

4. Power phrases Say What You Mean

Do not lose the truth in your message. When you do that you lose authenticity – without authenticity, you have no power.

So – ask yourself, what do you really mean? When you ask a co worker:

“I wish I didn’t have to go to this meeting alone”, was that what you meant – or did you mean: “Please come to the meeting with me”

You have to ask yourself – what do I really mean? Find this out by asking yourself 3 simple questions:

® What do I think?

® What do I feel?

® What do I want?

Speak the simple truth

5. Power phrases Mean what you say

People respect those who do what they say. If you don’t respect your own words, do not expect others to do so.

Avoid saying “I’ll be there at 3.00 pm” and then show up at 4.00 pm

Never promise what you can’t deliver and never agree to something you have no intention of doing. Take your words seriously so other people will.

6. Don’t be Mean when you Say it

Power phrases respect the other person, even if that person is not respecting you. You can, must let people know what you think, feel WITHOUT attributing blame!

For example -

instead of saying:

You are vicious, say I am offended by your remark

You are not making any sense at all, say I don’t understand

You are not paying attention, say I don’t feel heard

Thus, speak strong without being mean when you say it.

Ladies and gentlemen, the six tenets of power phrases are:

1. Power phrases are short

2. Power phrases are specific

3. Power phrases are targeted

4. Power phrases say what you mean

5. Power phrases mean what you say

6. Power phrases are not mean when you say them

Speak strong and you will get what you want.

I leave you with a phrase from Mark Twain:

The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter:- it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning”.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Meeting Review (03rd July, 2007)

Members (13)
Chandran V
Fong Ah Chong
Lakhmichand, M.A.
Lourdes Chandramohan
Maureen Ong Swee Kin
Michelle Ong Swee Jin
Muhendaran Suppiah
Ranjit Singh
Sham Sunder Lakhiani
Shamraj Shasikumar
Shanmugam Ganesan

Guests (2)

Role Players:
Name Role
Fong Ah ChongCTMHUMOUR / EVAL #3
Lakhmichand, M.A.ATMBTME
Lourdes ChandramohanDTMGRAMMARIAN
Maureen Ong Swee Kin TIMER
Michelle Ong Swee Jin TTE
Muhendaran SuppiahACGSAA / EVALUATOR #2
Sham Sunder LakhianiCTMEVALUATOR #1
Shamraj Shasikumar AH COUNTER
Shanmugam GanesanCTMTTM

It was the first meeting of the new term, 2007-2008, an evening of looking forward to another term of fun and learning, the most two important ingredients that BANGSAR Toastmasters are used to!

The NEW President, Ranjit Singh, was his usual self, casual and full of humour!
His invocation, "Perspective - Two Sides to a Story" was simple yet thought provoking...

With the new term he had new style! Members/Guests were requested to when introducing themselves say something 'good' about the next person. That was a challenge, specially for the few who sat eiher next to a guest or a new member. As his first 'duty' he distributed officers' manuals to the new club officers.

It was a privilege to 'play' my favourite role, TME, since it gave an opportunity to be active / alert the whole evening. TME's role while being a demanding role, gives one the freedom to make use of the skills acquired and remain in control!

The Table Topics session was short (only 3 speakers), to allow time for one of the assignments that needed extra time. Shan, the VP(E), as always, provided challenging topics to talk about.

Table Topics Speakers:
1. Lourdes Chandramohan
3. GANAPATHY (Guest)

Michelle, for a fairly new member, as the Table Topics Evaluator, was very observant, wity, and had some valuable tips to offer.

Just before the break, veteran, A C Fong, CTM, entertained all of us with couple of jokes during the humour sesion .

The assignment speakers:

#2 - Organise Your Speech
Title: "Power Phrases - Say It Right, Get What You Want!"
Evaluator: Sham Sunder, CTM

#1 - Ice Breaker
Title: "About Myself"
Evaluator: Muhendaran S, ACS

Chandran V
Professional Speaker - Keynote Address
Title: "My Friend Tony"
Evaluator: Fong Ah Chong, CTM

The GE's remarks were few and well received. All evaluations / reports were delivered with the usual care & wit...

Best TT Speaker : MALINI
Best Assignment Speaker : MALINI
Best Evaluator : A C Fong, CTM

by Lucky

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Welcome to 2007-2008!