Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Meeting Review (21st August, 2007)

Muhendaran ATMG
Shanmugam CTM
Lourdes Chandramohan DTM
Lucky ATMB
Loke Kah Sing
Lucky ATMB
Rema Paul ATMS

We had a great meeting, with 4 guests, and an external TME, Satchit of KPMG KL Toastmasters Club.

We had 3great speeches - Edmund started the ball rolling with his speech entitled “Fate” where he described about how fate had a great influence in finding his wife. Lee Chor Wah was next with his great speech describing his vision for Malaysian Architects. The third speaker was our President, Ranjit Singh, ATMB, who did his Advance Speech, in which he persuaded Bangsar TMC members to vote for a change in venue for our Toastmasters meetings.

The Evaluators were AC Fong, CTM, for Edmund, Shanmugam, CTM, for Lee Chor Wah and Chandran, CTM, for Ranjit Singh, ATMB.

The “Best” Table Topic Speaker Award was won by Loke Kah Sing. The “Best” Project Speaker Award was won by our “YB”, Lee Chor Wah, while the “Best” Speech Evaluator Award went to Chandran, CTM.

All in all it was a great night of fun and excitement.

By Satchit

Friday, August 10, 2007

Meeting Review (7th August, 2007)

Muhendaran ATMG
Rema Paul ATMS
Shanmugam CTM
Shanmugam CTM
Lucky ATMB
Suresh (SAI)
Dr. Devi Menon ATMG
Rema Paul ATMS
Satchit (KPMG)

We had a very enjoyable meeting, most notable aspect being quite a number of guests. I believe it is the quality of our meetings that attracts guests most of the time. The credit goes to the members who help make our meetings successful.

We had the privilege of listening to 3 good speeches delivered by Michelle, Maureen and Loke Kah Sing. I have to state it here that Michelle and Maureen are sisters. The title of Michelle’s speech was “The Psychology of Success”. Meanwhile, Loke delivered his 3rd speech titled “Cherish” and lastly Maureen with her speech titled “Valuing our Faith”.

The evaluators were Muhendaran, ATMG, Lucky, ATMB and Ranjit Singh, ATMB. The General Evaluator, Dr Devi Menon gave points for improvement and compliments where warranted. Her son, Suresh, did very well as the Humor Master.

2 guests, Ranjani and Huegesh, signed up as members after the meeting; to the new members I say Welcome to BANGSAR TM Club.

by: Shanmugam CTM

Among the guests, we were honored with the presence of an old friend, Ernest Chen, DTM, (Singapore). He presented a copy of his book, "EARNESLY SPEAKING" to the club...

Our thanks to Ernest...


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Meeting Review (31st July, 2007)

Shanmugam CTM
Chandran CTM
Muhendaran ATMG
Sham Sunder CTM
Lucky ATMB
Ranjit ATMB
Azmi Shahrin DTM
Lucky ATMB
Edmund TM
AC Fong

It was an extra-ordinary meeting on 31st July 2007 as it was our 5th Tuesday of the month meeting. This has been the tradition of BANGSAR Toastmasters Club to make full use of the 5th Tuesday of the month.

More interestingly, we had our Division Governor, Azmi Shahrin, DTM as our General Evaluator.

The word of the day certainty caught the attention of the members. The word of the day was “Dandify” which means to dress like or cause to resemble a dandy. The members certainly used the word throughout the meeting.

As for assignment speeches, we had 2 good speeches - one was a guest speaker from recently formed, KPMG Toastmasters Club; the other speaker is our new member, Lee Chor Wah, who gave his first speech. He was given a standing ovation by everyone.

The table topics session was very interesting and credit goes to Sham Sunder CTM whose topics were thought provoking yet at the same time suited the audience.

Overall, we had a good meeting.

by: Muhendaran ATMG

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Smedley Award August 1 - September 30

Ralph Smedley and a few men met in the Santa Ana, California, YMCA and conducted the first meeting of what would eventually evolve into what we know today as Toastmasters. One person initiated a program that would go on to affect millions of people. In his honor, can your Club add five new members between August 1 and September 30? By doing so, you’ll qualify to receive a Smedley Award ribbon for display on your Club’s banner.

Membership applications must be received at World Headquarters between August 1 and September 30. Each member’s join date as listed on the application must be no later than September.

New, dual, and reinstated members count for credit; transfer and charter members do not.

Goals # 7 and #8 in the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) are met when eight new members join your club during the year. The Smedley Award program is designed to assist your club get off to a tremendous start in attracting those who can energize your club. There isn’t a Toastmasters Club in the world, let alone District 58, who would not benefit from the addition of eight new members.

The critical ingredient in recruiting new members is getting started. It’s as simple as that. A lot of Members have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today! Pick up the phone and call someone about Toastmasters.

Toastmasters District 58