Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Smedley Award August 1 - September 30

Ralph Smedley and a few men met in the Santa Ana, California, YMCA and conducted the first meeting of what would eventually evolve into what we know today as Toastmasters. One person initiated a program that would go on to affect millions of people. In his honor, can your Club add five new members between August 1 and September 30? By doing so, you’ll qualify to receive a Smedley Award ribbon for display on your Club’s banner.

Membership applications must be received at World Headquarters between August 1 and September 30. Each member’s join date as listed on the application must be no later than September.

New, dual, and reinstated members count for credit; transfer and charter members do not.

Goals # 7 and #8 in the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) are met when eight new members join your club during the year. The Smedley Award program is designed to assist your club get off to a tremendous start in attracting those who can energize your club. There isn’t a Toastmasters Club in the world, let alone District 58, who would not benefit from the addition of eight new members.

The critical ingredient in recruiting new members is getting started. It’s as simple as that. A lot of Members have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today! Pick up the phone and call someone about Toastmasters.

Toastmasters District 58

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