Monday, April 28, 2008

Meeting Review (1st April, 2008)

Theme : Relaxation
Word of the Day : Ephemeral

Members Present:
Chandran CTM
Jessy Mak
Lakmichand ATMB
Lee Chor Wah
Loke Kah Sing
Lourdes DTM
Maureen CC
Michelle CC
Ranjit Singh ATMB
Sham Sunder CTM
Shanmugam CTM

Richard Chia CTM, CL

SAA - Shanmugam Ganesan CTM
TME - Chandran CTM
Invocation - Lourdes Chandramohan DTM
TTM - Shanmugam Ganesan CTM
TTE - Lakhmichand, M.A. ATMB
GE - Richard Chia
Ah Counter - Huegesh
Grammarian - Maureen Ong Swee Kin CC
Timer - Prem

TT Speakers
Ranjit ATMB
Loke Kah Sing
Michelle CC
Sham Sunder CTM

Assignment Speeches
Ranjani – Basic C & L Manual, Speech #6,
Title -“Partying Without Getting Drunk”
Evaluator: Lucky ATMB

Parimala – Basic C & L Manual, Speech #7,
Title – “Law of Success”
Evaluator: Chandran CTM

Ranjit ATMB – Persuasive Speaking Manual, Speech #4,
Title – “Addressing the Opposition”
Evaluator: Lourdes DTM

It was certainly no April fool’s joke as our meeting started on time with such a great turnout!

ASA Shanmugam CTM started the ball rolling by calling the meeting to order and led us in reciting the Toastmaster’s Promise.

Our President, Ranjit ATMB then took control with his welcoming speech as led the introduction and welcomed the guests and members.

Lourdes DTM did a wonderful job of inspiring us with his words of wisdom on life and set the tone for the meeting.

Shanmugam CTM challenged us with his usual wit in the Table Topics session. With titles like “Love – A Temporary Insanity Curable by Marriage” and “There Is No Great Genius Without a Touch of Madness”, how could we not be entertained as well as challenged at the same time?

Lucky ATMB had us in stitches with his jokes in the humour session.

After the break, the assignment speakers delivered their speeches. I was especially engrossed since I found the titles of the speeches rather intriguing.

The General Evaluator, Richard Chia CTM, CL and the able team of evaluators did an excellent job of providing feedback with regards to the overall running of the meeting as well as zooming in to specific areas with helpful recommendations.

The evening was concluded with Ranjit ATMB sweeping the awards for both the best Table Topics Speaker as well as the best Assignment Speaker. Lourdes DTM was voted as the best Evaluator.

A memorable April 1st indeed and that’s no joke!

By Chandran CTM

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