Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Meeting Review (3rd June, 2008)

The attendance was made up of Club Officers (4), members (9½) and Guest (2½).


Ranjit Singh ATMB

V Chandran CTM

Maureen Ong CC


Mary Barton ACB

Shanmugam CTM

Michelle Ong CC

Lucky ATMB



Sham Sunder CTM

Rema Paul ACG







Acting SAA






Michelle Ong











Rema Paul Gopal


Ah Counter





Mary Barton





THEME: Magical Word of the Day: Enchanting

It was a first time for Bangsar Toastmasters (at least since the time I was a member of Bangsar Toastmasters). Everyone was seated by 7.15 pm waiting for the meeting to begin and the SAA did not have to remind everyone in attendance to take their seats. As such, the meeting started 2 minutes earlier at 7.28 pm.

We began as per our tradition with a recitation of our Toastmasters promise led by our acting SAA Shanmugam CTM as our SAA Muhendaran DTM could not attend the meeting. Then the president took us on a round of self-introduction and then he gave us some good news.

We were blessed with the presence of 2 new guests and a part guest part member. (Renu attended our last meeting and had submitted her form before the meeting). For the benefit of the guests and to remind the members, I gave a brief introduction on the history of Toastmasters and what Toastmasters is all about.

During the invocation, Ranjani used an inspiring story about a man who overcame his background and various obstacles to educate himself and thus make something of himself to bring home a point that we too can overcome difficult and seemingly insurmountable obstacles in our lives.

Lourdes then took to the floor to facilitate the table topics session. The session was a “chain-idea” session whereby Lourdes used the word of the day as the first table topic and the 1st speaker will provide the idea for the 2nd table topic and so on.

The Table Topics speakers and the speech titles were as follows:

1. Mary Barton: Why is being in Bangsar Toastmasters club such an
enchanting experience?
2. Parimala: Would you say the right thing even though you know it is a
3. Shanmugam: Would you be offended if I were to say you were the meanest
on earth?
4. Renu: Sometimes you have to be mean to be kind. Do you agree?
5. Sethu: Tell us why you would like to overthrow the President of Bangsar
6. Francesco: Give us your impression of Bangsar Toastmasters club.

(Note: words in bold were the chain-idea)

The TT Evaluator, Chandran CTM, was sharp, as usual, encouraging, and generous with feedback. He gave many specific examples on how the table topics speakers could improve.

The humor master, Shanmugam CTM then made the audience laugh with 2 very funny jokes.

After the 10 minute break, the assignment speeches commenced with 2 members doing projects from the same advanced manual i.e. “The Entertainment Speaker Manual”:

  1. Maureen CC did project #3. Title: April Fool
  2. Sham Sunder CTM did project #1. Title: Marriage, Women and Golf

The speakers were not only entertaining but humorous as well.

Our GE, Rema Paul ACG then took us through the evaluation session. We first heard the reports from evaluators of the two assignment speeches (Lucky ATMB, Evaluator for Maureen & Ranjit ATMB, evaluator for Sham Sunder) after which we heard the reports from the various role players. Then the GE gave us her comments on the meeting.

The BEST AWARD was then given to the winner -


TT Speaker


Mary Barton

There were no Best Speaker and Best Evaluator award for this meeting because there were only two assignment speeches.

After the business session the meeting concluded on time at 9.30 p.m. Truly, it was an enchanting and a delightful meeting!

by Michelle
, CC

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